Databases by Subject
Full text ejournals, from the first issue of a journal to issues of up to 3-5 years ago. Hebrew Univ. subscribes to the following: Arts & Sciences I-IX; Arts & Sciences Complement; Biological Sciences.
Jewish Underground Resistance: The David Diamant Collection
Jewish Studies Source (JSS)
IVC Online Database (Israel Venture Capital)
Full text, 1990-. Please ask the librarian at the reference desk to log in with cdlib.
Analyzing and monitoring Israel's high-tech industry,insights on venture capital, private equity and high-tech companies.
Statistical data and descriptions of terrorist events. Statistical data: 1968-2008 ; Events: 1978-2008.
Statistical data and documentation of terrorist events.
Iter: Middle Ages and Renaissance (400-1700)
Israel Social Sciences Data Center (ISDC)
International Medieval Bibliography (IMB)
Covers over 4,000 periodicals as well as miscellaneous collections of conference proceedings, essay collections, and Festschriften.