Austrian Collection
Music Index
Bibliography, with full text links, 1973-. Includes book reviews, record reviews, first performances, and obituaries, but no abstracts.
It is possible to combine searches with RILM and RIPM.
International Medieval Bibliography (IMB)
Bibliography, with links to full text, 1967-.
Covers over 4,000 periodicals as well as miscellaneous collections of conference proceedings, essay collections, and Festschriften.
Covers over 4,000 periodicals as well as miscellaneous collections of conference proceedings, essay collections, and Festschriften.
Historical Abstracts With Full Text
Abstracts, with some full text, 1954-.
Philosopher's Index
Abstracts with full text links, updated quarterly, 1940. Covers books and journals in the areas of ethics, aesthetics, social philosophy, political philosophy, epistemology, and metaphysical logic as well as material on the philosophy of law, religion, science, history, education, and language.
Modern Language Association (MLA) International Bibliography
Bibliographic citations, with full text links, 1926-. 4,000 journals, relevant monographs, working papers, series, proceedings and bibliographies.
International Medieval Bibliography (IMB)
Bibliography, with links to full text, 1967-. Covers over 4,000 periodicals as well as miscellaneous collections of conference proceedings, essay collections, and Festschriften.
Historical Abstracts With Full Text
Abstracts, with some full text, 1954-.
Art Index
Bibliography, with full text links, 1984-, updated monthly. Includes journal articles, yearbooks of museums, book reviews and reproductions of art from journal articles.