Databases by Subject
OECD Statistical Compendium
Statistical data,1960- , biannual.
Macroeconomic overview of the economies of the OECD member countries. More than 930,000 monthly, quarterly and annual time series.
New Testament Abstracts
New Pauly Online
Naxos Music Library
Online music, years- varies. Contains the complete catalog (about 5500 cds) of Naxos, Marco Polo and Dacapo, plus jazz and world music, with accompanying background and composer notes.
Limited amount of users permitted-please logout at end of session.
The Metropolitan Opera
Met Opera on Demand is the online streaming service that allows users to watch and listen to more than 600 Met performances over the internet.
Music Index
Bibliography, with full text links, 1973-. Includes book reviews, record reviews, first performances, and obituaries, but no abstracts.
It is possible to combine searches with RILM and RIPM.