Contact info

הוראות הגעה במפהMathematics and Computer Science Library
Einstein Institute of Mathematics
Edmond J. Safra Campus
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Givat-Ram, Jerusalem 9190401, Israel


Phone number      972-2-6584379
Fax: 972-2-6586505

The Mathematics and Computer Science Library was founded in 1925 as a mathematics library. The library contains nearly 40,000 volumes of hundreds of periodicals and series, some 35,000 titles of books, technical reports and early reprints of the Einstein Institute of Mathematics and the School of Engineering and Computer Science, doctoral dissertations and a unique collection of 16,000 mathematical reprints dating back to the nineteenth and twentieth century.

The library has a global reputation that matches the high academic status of the Einstein Institute of Mathematics and the School of Engineering and Computer Science in Israel, the Middle East and the world.

Among the collections inherited by the library stands the unique collection of the German mathematician Felix Klein, including nineteenth-century books and some original Klein manuscripts.

Rare books that include Hebrew texts, some from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, as well as a collection of Edmund Landau's letters donated to the library, are displayed in the reception hall of the library for the benefit of the visitors.

The Mathematics and Computer Science Library serves researchers and hundreds of students from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the School of Computer Science & Engineering.

Art in the library (images on the university curatorship site):

3D models collection


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