
Accessibility in the Library
The Library of Agriculture, Food and Environment is located at the center of the Hebrew University's Rehovot campus.
Physical accessibility
Disabled Access to the Library
The library is accessible by wheelchair from the main gate of the campus
The back entrance to the library is wheelchair accessible.
All areas of the library are accessible to the mobility challenged.
There is an elevator between the two library floors.
Restrooms for the Disabled
There are restrooms accessible to the disabled on the ground floor.
Accessibility aids
An accessible workstation with an adaptable table that can be height-adjusted is located near the circulation desk.
Two standing desks are located near Tamar room.
Digital accessibility
- A hearing loop (an audio induction loop) is located at the circulation desk to make the service accessible to all.
- Closed Circuit TV for screen enlargement, Clear View HD24, is at the accessible workstation.
- Alma Reader, Screen reader web software is available here. For instructions click here.
- Balabolka, Screen reader software is installed on every library computer.