The rare book room on the lower level in the Law Library is where you will find a collection of rare books from the 16th – 19th century in Dutch, English, French, German, Irish, Italian, Latin, Polish and Spanish as well as titles on the topics of British, international, Islamic, martial and Roman law.
The oldest book in the collection is from 1576 and discusses Roman Law. One of the oldest textbooks was published in 1896 and is called A first book of jurisprudence for students of the common law.
A few other examples of rare books that can be found in the library are:
1. An Italian title from 1704 about Maritime and Commercial law called:
Il consolato del mare : nel quale si comprendono tutti gli statuti, & ordini, disposti da gli antichi per ogni cosa di mercantia, & di navigare : cosi a beneficio di marinari, come di mercanti, & patroni di nave
2. A book in German from 1808 about Civil Law during the First Napoleon era titled:
Codex Napoleon : uebersetzt nach der neuen officiellen Ausgabe von einer Gesellschaft Rechtsgelehrter und durch Noten erlautert
3. A Polish text about the laws of Poland and Lithuania published in 1787, afew years before the partitioning of Poland into Prusia, Austria and Russia.
Sadowy process : czyli sposob Prawowania sie W Trybunale y wszystkich Subselliach W.X. lit., poprawiony i Znacznie Pomnozony Przydatkiem Supplementu, W ktorym sie zawiera zbior konst: Novellae legis od poczatku Ponawania
Physical mathematical models include reproductions of solid geometrical surfaces and figures that enable visualizing abstract mathematical concepts. The most famous and impressive collection of mathematical models and instruments is the Schilling collection, developed in Göttingen in the 19th century. Models from this collection inspired many artists, notably the artist Mann Ray. The collection had a long history when the German mathematicians Hermann Amandus Schwartz and Felix Klein organized and changed the direction of the collection in favor of teaching geometry and geodesy.
A selection of mathematical models of plaster were included in the Klein collection, which was acquired in 1927 by Prof. Edmund Landau to the Mathematics Library at the Hebrew University. The collection includes cast models by Schilling and an example of an original catalog of the company.
Also in the library are conic sections and polyhedra models made of plastic, and paper models of the art of Maurits Cornelis Asher. The models are displayed regularly at the entrance to the library.
Third floor, Bloomfield Library for the Humanities and Social Sciences
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Collection Description
The permanent exhibit of the Uveeler Collection of Judaica collected by Mark and Luba Uveeler constitutes the remnants of a Jewish culture and tradition that was destroyed during the Holocaust.
The artifacts in the collection are arranged according to themes: Chanukah lamps, items used on Shabbat, in the synagogue, and Jewish life cycle events.
Fourth floor, Bloomfield Library for the Humanities and Social Sciences
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Collection Description
The Austrian Library is part of the network of "Austrian Libraries" established by Austria's Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs in 65 different cities around the world and includes books, films, and periodicals on Austrian literature, history and politics. The items in the collection are an integral part of the general collection and can be searched in the catalog by: "Austrian Library".
Fifth floor, room 503, Bloomfield Library for the Humanities and Social Sciences
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Collection Description
A rich and diverse collection of books on Judaism belonging to the late Abraham Kahana (1874-1946) who was a distinguished author, Biblical scholar, Jewish historian and translator.
Fourth floor, Bloomfield Library for the Humanities and Social Sciences
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Collection Description
The Manga Collection, Japanese comic art, was established in 2016 by Prof. Nissim Otmazgin, of the Department of Asian Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
The collection started with the donation from Prof. Otmazgin, and continually expands with books from various sources (acquisitions and new donations).
The core of the collection is historical manga books intended for research and teaching purposes.
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