Instructions for ordering items from the interlibrary loan department

In order to perform an order it is needed to go to the libraries website, click on "sign in" and identify yourself. Identification is done with your ID number and personal code, the same code used to access the moodle platform, the data base and the catalog. When you enter the catalog click on "INTERLIBRARY LOAN" which appears on the top of the page.


In the order form take the following steps:

Choose your library or ignore:



Choose the format of your order:

a book or a book chapter: for orders of a book or a scan from a book

an article from a journal: for orders of a scan of an article from a journal


In the field "delivery information" choose "physical" for a book order and "digital" for a scan of a chapter from a book or an article from a journal.
then fill in the full details of the book or article, read and approve the copyright terms and send the form by clicking "request".


The system will approve the order with the message



To check the status of your request in your library card, click on your username which appears in the top bar of the catalog, choose the library card and click on the tab “orders”.