Extended opening hours
Starting in February 2025, the library will be open until 6:00 PM on Thursdays. On other days, opening hours remain as usual: 9:00 AM - 7:45 PM.
Starting in February 2025, the library will be open until 6:00 PM on Thursdays. On other days, opening hours remain as usual: 9:00 AM - 7:45 PM.
Due to the exam period, we will be opening the library until 6:00 PM on Thursdays.
We wish all students success in their exams.
New subscription to the journal Nature Computational Science.
For the list of new titles in the library catalog, click here
As of January 2025 , HUJI affiliated authors can publish articles at no cost in open access in the hybrid journals of Elsevier, Oxford, and RSC.
For a list of journals included in the agreements and for more details, visit the OA agreements page
The library has purchased a subscription for software installation and use of the WebCSD structure database.
To obtain a license to install and operate the software, please contact Shir Peled shirpe@savion.huji.ac.il.
At December 31, 2024, the Library Authority's paid subscription to Sciwheel - a software for managing citations (references) - has ended.
It is recommended to manage your references on other free softwares.
See recommendations in this guide.
As of Nov. 1st, 2024, partial support will be extended for OA article publication costs (known as APC – Article Processing Charge)
May it be a successful academic year.
Wishing for the immediate return of all the hostages back home!