Political Science
Bibliography, with selected abstracts and full text, 1953-, abstracts from records added since 1987.
Ifat Digger
A searchable database of articles in daily newspapers (printed and electronic), news websites and current events programs on radio and TV.
Period of coverage in years: 2006--
InCites Journal Citation Reports (JCR)
International Encyclopedia of Political Science
International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (IESBS)
Middle East Online: Arab-Israeli Relations, 1917-1970
Full text ejournals, current. Search in full text of articles for elusive subjects. Results are ranked by relevance (how often the term is mentioned in the article). Subscribe to “journal alerts” .
Oxford Handbooks Online (on trial)
This trial provides access to an outstanding collection of the best Handbooks in the following subject areas: OHO Political Science
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics
Political Science, International Relations and Political Sociology
Full text
Includes over 400 articles by key experts and researchers in various aspects of Political Science
Updated at the end of each month
Political Science Complete (EBSCO)
Full text and abstracts. Covers over 3,400 titles, 340 reference books and over 36,000 Full text conference papers including International Political Science Association.
Post-War Europe: Refugees, Exile and Resettlement, 1945-1950
Full text, 1917-1970. Primary source documents in the National Archives, London from the Foreign Office, Colonial Office, War Office and Cabinet Papers.
Public Administration Abstracts
Abstracts with full text links, 1965. Includes journal articles and books.