Reference Services
The library staff provides library patrons with individual guidance on the use of the library and its reference services.
Instruction includes: finding their way in the library, using the library catalog, using the library’s electronic resources and bibliographic computer programs.
The Library extends a warm welcome to all who enter.
Contact us:
Telephone: 02-6584379
Tutorials on Library Resources
Dedicated terminals to searching the catalog are open to the general public without the use of a username and password. However, they cannot access the internet or digital services.
Access to the digital services of the library is limited to Hebrew University students and faculty.
- Computer stations require an active directory login.
- Moblie devices require an RA account.
The library is connected to an open Wi-Fi network known as "HUJI Guest" and to Eduroam.
For more information, see: Computing and networks.
The reference staff is available for questions or requests.
Library Resources - Online course
Bachelor’s degree students are required to sign up for the “Information and Library Resources” online course of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science (Mathematics – Course No. 76411, Computer Science – Course No. 76416.) Graduation from the University is conditional on participating in the course and passing it.
Preparing Bibliographies
Different systems are in use for quoting bibliographic sources. You should consult the course instructors on the system they prefer.
The main systems for quoting sources used in the Mathematics and Computer Science are detailed at:
Other systems:
- APA – American Psychological Association
- MLA – Modern Language Association
- Chicago Manual of Style
Bibliographic Computer Programs
The programs assist students and faculty to organize bibliographic sources necessary for writing reports and articles. Patrons of the Hebrew University Library enjoy access to the Sciwheel (formerly F1000) and EndNote Web programs through all university computers and by "remote access" from other computers.
Patrons can also use, without payment, other bibliographic programs such as Mendeley or Zotero.
Circulation Rules
Quick links: HUfind catalog Reader’s account
Contacting the Circulation Department
Circulation Desk: 02-6584379
Books are lent on the basis of presentation of a valid identification card. A student (or university employee) card serves the purpose (see more information below).
The reader’s account - containing all the loan information, can be found online via the HUfind catalog or using the HUJI app.
Readers are responsible for checking the status of their loans.
Each reader is held responsible for library material charged out on his/her card.
Please refrain from transferring your card to another reader.
The university e-mail address assigned to you ( serves as the sole address to which the Library Authority will send messages.
Renewal of Book Loans
Books that have been borrowed for up to 3 days or up to 7 days will normally be renewed automatically daily, up to one year.
Circumstances under which the loan period will not be extended:
- Another reader requests it
- The reader’s card is no longer valid or current
- The reader owes money to the library
- Loan period exceeds one year
The reader will be notified to their HUJI email account if the book loan cannot be renewed beyond a certain date.
Book Requests
Books may be requested, only if all copies of the book are listed in the HUfind catalog as having been borrowed. The reader must order a copy through the catalog. If, for some reason, the book cannot be ordered through the catalog, the request should be referred to the Circulation Desk.
When the requested book has returned to the library, a notice will be sent to the HUJI email account of the reader who requested it.
Textbooks will wait for pickup at the circulation desk for 3 days while academic books will wait there for 7 days. After that they will be returned to the shelves. The reader will receive notice by their HUJI email account that the order has been cancelled.
Book Returns
Readers are responsible for the books they borrow, including keeping up-to-date on when it must be returned, through their HUJI email and reader’s account.
Readers who hold books they no longer need are requested to return them to the library.
The library is entitled to demand the return of a needed book even before its listed return date.
A reader who declares that the borrowed item has been lost or returns it damaged will pay its cost plus NIS30 handling cost. The reader is entitled to acquire an identical and undamaged copy and present it to the library instead.
During library hours, books must be returned to the circulation desk of the library from where it was borrowed.
When the library is closed, books may be returned in the book returns box, located on the wall to the left of the entrance to the library.
Late book returns will be fined, as follows:
- Books from the general collection that were specially requested – NIS 10 for every day that a book is returned late, including Fridays, Shabbats, holidays, and days that the university is closed according to schedule.
- Reserve books – NIS 3 for every hour of delay, or NIS 30 for each day a book is returned late.
- Books that were borrowed by special permission, and were returned late, will be treated the same as books that were specially requested.
The Library Authority is entitled to update the schedule of fines, as it sees fit.
Recurring late returns, late returns which harm other students, or unpaid fines will be treated as follows:
- The reader's account will be blocked
- Service will be refused to the reader
The reader's personal record in the university will be blocked, and he or she will not be allowed to participate in exams.
Book Borrowing Privileges
Eligibility for a reader’s account | Registration | Borrowing privileges |
Hebrew University Students | The registration validity will be updated automatically. | Up to 30 books from the regular collection & up to 3 reserve books overnight |
Hebrew University staff | ||
University pensioners | ||
Hebrew University graduates | University graduate's card + NIS300 a year or NIS150 for 6 months | Up to 5 books from the regular collection books. reserve books cannot be borrowed and electronic resources cannot be accessed. |
Faculty & master/doctoral students from other Israeli universities | Guarantee letter from the central library of their institution | |
Course auditors (Magid Institute) | Authorization to audit course + ID card | |
Students from other colleges in Jerusalem, including Bezalel Academy | Guarantee letter from the institution + NIS240 | |
Others | Guarantee letter from an employer + NIS650 a year or NIS325 for 6 months |
Reader's cards
Student cards serve as reader's cards and are issued by the Student Tuition Office.
- New students receive their card in the mail.
- Returning students receive in the mail a sticker update for their existing student card.
- The library Circulation Department should be notified if the student card is lost and a new card should be ordered from the Student Tuition Office.
- Students' contact information is automatically downloaded from the university's students administration. Updating or changing personal information can be done through the Student information site.
- University employee cards also serve as reader's cards.
- University graduate's card is obtainable at the Graduates' Office, tel.: 02-5882890
Loan Period
The loan period for each book is recorded in the HUfind catalog. If questions arise, the library’s records are the determining factor.
Type of Item | Loan Period |
Books from Reading Rooms | Varying periods: 1 week with automatic daily renewal, 1 week without extension, cannot be borrowed at all |
Reserved books |
Sunday till Wednesday - books may be borrowed from 17:00 until 11:00 the next day. Thursday - books may be borrowed from 15:00 until 14:00 Sunday. Books can be ordered using a reader's card |
Reference books, Term papers, Rare books, Journals | Cannot be borrowed |
Laptop computers |
Sunday till Wednesday - may be borrowed from 09:00 until 17:30. Thursday - may be borrowed from 09:00 until 14:30. |
Borrowing from other academic libraries in Israel
Faculty and graduate students are eligible to receive a guarantee letter to other academic libraries in Israel. This guarantee will allow you to receive library services according to the policies of that library. To receive a guarantee letter please contact the circulation department.
Interlibrary Loan
Inter-Library Loans allow Hebrew University students and faculty to order books and journal articles from the Library Authority and other academic libraries in Israel and the world. The service is free of charge for university researchers and students.
Interlibrary loan orders can be ordered by means of an online form in the library’s catalog under the tab "interlibrary loan".
Before filling out an order, please sign in to the library system with your HUJI email and password or temporary code.
Harman Science Library interlibrary loan and document delivery services
Interlibrary Loan services to staff members and students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Science and the School of Computer Science and Engineering are available through the Harman Library.
Contact information
Tel. 02-6585623
Book orders are subject to the Copyright Law. Accordingly, it is forbidden to photocopy, print, or scan the major part of a copyrighted work without the express permission of the copyright holder.
A "fair use" exception is made for copies used for personal study, research, critiques, surveys, press reports, or instruction or examination in an educational institution.
Disregard of these instruction is a violation of the law.
Booking of Study Rooms
Computing and Networks
Network Services
Remote access to the electronic resources provided by the libraries (including databases, ejournals and e-books) is available to the University community.
OneHUJI - Access service to the library resources using HUJI username and password.
Access electronic resources directly via the Library Website or the Library Catalog.
You will be prompted to login to HUJI - no need to run VPN!
Signing in also allows you to get full search results and other information in the HUfind library catalog. For additional information see the HUfind library catalog.
HUJI username and password is also used for accessing personal information, Moodle, course registration and other Hebrew University services.
Connecting via Wireless (Wi-Fi)
- HUJI guest – An open network for guests (does not allow access to databases).
- Eduroam – An international project that allows access to networks in any university by identifying yourself by your Hebrew University username and password. Connect to eduroam with [RA username] . DO NOT USE [username]%ra
- HUJI-Dorm – An open network that is available in some dorms.
Computer stations in the library require an active directory login.
Website for registration or restoring username/password:
Remote Access to the University Internet Servers:
Use your personal account and password to connect to the Remote Access VPN service, the eduroam secure wireless network and library resources that don't use OneHUJI.
Remote Access (RA) Registration
Register for a remote access (RA) account at
Instructions for opening a Remote Access Account (RA) / The University Division for Computation, Communication, and Information ( = the Authority for Computation).
VPN (Virtual Private Network)
Rumba WebVPN service Additional information, including client installation / The University Division for Computation, Communication, and Information.
The older Samba service is no longer available.
MyPlace - Remote access to public computers:
Hebrew University students can connect remotely to software installed on computers located in the computer centers and access their personal drive.
Public computing requires an active directory login.
Technical support at the Division for Computation, Communication, and Information.
Printing, Copying and Scanning
There is no public printer in the library.
Printing can be done from library computers directly or by using “cloud printing”.
Printers are available at the Harman Library and the computer center at the Sprinzak Building.
A network scanner is available in the library at no charge. The scanner allows sending scans to email and mobile storage.
There is no photocopier in the library.
Borrowing Laptops and Other Equipment
Media and learning aids may be borrowed from the Circulation Desk, for use only within the library.
- Laptop Computers
Connected to the university internet server
Include electric cable and mouse
Loans are for up to 3 hours
- Scientific Calculators
Loans are for up to 3 hours
- Erasable Boards
Include markers and erasers
- Earphones
- Cellphone Chargers
Disabled Access to the Library
The Mathematics and Computer Science Library is accessible by wheelchair from Magnes Boulevard (Sderot Magnes) near the National Library. Arrival at the building by car is possible through prior arrangement with the library staff. Accessible parking is located off the lane leading from the Belgium House (Beit Belgia).
Elevator access
Disabled access is available by elevator in the building. Pressing on the Floor 2 button will bring you to the entrance to the library.
Accessibility to the Book Collection and Circulation Desk
The main Reading Room is accessible to the mobility challenged. In order to access the journals collection on the lower floor, it is necessary to contact the library staff in order for someone to open the door leading to it from the entrance to the building.
The height of the Circulation Desk is convenient for wheelchair users, and it is possible to approach the Circulation Librarian from that spot.
The staff of the library will be happy to assist with searching for material in the library catalog, databases, and book shelves, including ordering books from the shelves and lending them to an authorized representative. The library staff can be reached by phone, by email, or through Facebook. In addition, most textbooks are also available electronically.
Accessibility accessories
All five computer stations are accessible to the mobility challenged. The computers for patrons contain programs such as Magnifier for enlarging text and Narrator for reading texts aloud in English.
A TMS table device for the visually challenged is located on the lower floor of the library.
Comfort and Services
The library has wide armchairs available for use near the Circulation Desk and the lower floor of the library.
On the entrance floor of the building there are restrooms for the mobility challenged.
Please Contact:
Telephone: 02-6584379