Reference Services
Access to the digital services of the library is limited to Hebrew University students and academic staff. When using personal computer, one must identify him/herself with a user name and a password. All floors of the library are connected to and open Wi-Fi network known as “Huji Guest”.
The reference staff offers individual and group trainings to the students and academic staff. The schedule of these would be published on the website and on other communication channels with the library. In addition, the law faculty academic staff is welcome to schedule thematic database and material trainings according to their needs.
The reference desk is active daily (Sun.-Thur.) from 11:00-16:00. In case of any change, notification would be sent via the various communication channels with the library.
Introducing the library training
In cooperation with the Student Union, the library offers introduction sessions for first year students getting acquainted with library sources, the library catalogue and knowing the library usage rules. Any questions or requests should be directed to the reference staff.
Reference help to first year students in Legal Writing and Research course
During submission of the headlines and the final paper in this course, the library holds special in advance individual meetings to all student who desire help in finding reference material for their papers.
Bibliographicy citation methods
Different systems are in use for quoting bibliographic sources. It is recommended to consulting with course instructors regarding the system they prefer.
Within the Hebrew University Law Faculty, the main citation systems relied on in legal writing is the “uniform quotation system” for Hebrew source materials (in Hebrew also known as the “purple book”) and the BLUEBOOK system used for quoting foreign sources. The library has guidebooks on these two citation systems. Print copies of the BLUEBOOK are available at the library circulation desk and some of them may be borrowed overnight or for the weekend. On the upper level in the library, there is one computer station with the online version of the Bluebook. Please turn to the circulation desk to get the access information.
The popular citation style in criminology is according to APA.
Reference management programs
There are various reference management programs that assist the students to manage their bibliographic references much easier and more effective. The Hebrew University offers free access to Sciwheel (formerly F1000) and to EndNoteWeb. One can also use free programs such as Mendeley or Zotero.
Contact information of the reference librarian, Mrs. Judith Schlissel:
Phone number: 02-5882586
You can also contact the library staff by:
Whatsapp: 054-8820158 (Sunday-Thursday, 09:00-15:00)
Circulation Rules
Interlibrary Loan
An interlibrary loans (ILL) service allows Hebrew University students and faculty to order books and journal articles from the Hebrew University Library Authority libraries and other academic libraries in Israel and the world for research and teaching.
ILL ordering from Israeli universities is free of charge.
Contact Us:
The law library’s ILL librarian, Ms. Leah Kipnis.
Telephone: 02-5881086
How to order:
Interlibrary loan orders can be ordered via an online form in the library's catalog under the tag "interlibrary loans".
Before filling out an order, please identify yourself in the library system with your email and password or with your ID number and email.
Print book of a scan of a chapter from a book - click here for instructions.
A scan of an article from a journal - click here for instructions.
Upon the arrival of the book, the reader will receive a notification by email. The book will be kept in the library for up to one month from its date of arrival.
Electronic items will be sent by email.
Returning print book:
A loaned book can be in use for up to 8 weeks from the date of its arrival at the library. No extensions can be given.
If the book is requested sooner, the reader will be notified by email.
Return the book to the circulation desk in the Law Library.
A reader who does not return the book on time - lending and renewal services in the library will be blocked.
A reader who has lost a book will be charged a price determined by the lending library. Until payment is settled, lending and renewal services in the library will be blocked.
Orders are subject to copyright law. According to the provisions of the law, it is forbidden to photocopy, print or scan substantial parts of copyrighted works, without permission from the rights holders except for photocopies, scans, or prints under the framework of "fair use" for the following purposes: self-study, research, critique, review, journalistic reporting, prefaces, teaching and an examination by an educational institution. The library reserves the right not to accept an order that, in its view, violates the copyright restrictions law.
Anyone who photocopies, scans, or prints contrary to these directives violates the law.
Booking of Study Rooms
Computing and Networks
OneHUJI - Access service to the library resources
Access electronic resources directly via the Library Website or the Library Catalog.
You will be prompted to login to HUJI - no need to run VPN!
Printing, Copying and Scanning
Borrowing Laptops and Other Equipment