Reference Services
The reference department in the library offers individual or group instruction to all of its patrons. Instruction can include: orientation in the reading rooms, use of the catalog, how to use library resources and reference management software. The library welcomes all its patrons.
Special station is open to the general public and do not require a username and password. This station is located on the entrance floor and can be used for the purposes of searching the catalog and reserving rooms.
All floors of the library have enhanced network connectivity to the campus-wide Wi-Fi, "Huji Guest".
Access to the library’s digital services is limited to Hebrew University students and faculty. These services can be accessed directly using the computers available in the library or by connecting a personal computer to the university’s server (“remote access”). Both methods require identification via username and password.
Any questions or requests should be directed to the staff of the Reference Department.
Contact us:
Telephone: 02-6584376
E-mail: jslrefer@savion.huji.ac.il
Preparing Bibliographies
Different systems are in use for citing bibliographic sources. It is recommended to consult with course instructors on the system they prefer.
Reference Management Software
This software assists in the organization of bibliographic sources required to write papers. The Sciwheel (formerly F1000) and EndNote Web software are accessible to all Hebrew University users from university computers and through the “remote access” service.
It is also possible to use other reference management software systems which are offered to the general public free of charge, such as Zotero or Mendeley.
Learning About Library Resources
Students studying for their Bachelor’s Degree are required to sign up for the "Library Resources" course. The course is then accessed through the "Moodle" learning site.
Circulation Policies
Loans are possible for Hebrew University academic staff and students using their Hebrew University ID card. A reader card is automatically opened for all Hebrew University users.
It is the reader's responsibility to maintain an awareness regarding their loaned item’s status.
Their reader’s card - which contains all of this information - can be found online via the library’s online catalogue or using the HUJI app. Any change or update of personal details requires the presence of the reader at the circulation desk.
Loans are also possible for an external user. In such a case, the user will be given a library card to be used for physical loans and may check their item’s status through their online reader’s card.
If your library card is lost, inform the circulation department immediately. In the case of Hebrew University user, a new card must be ordered through the Student Accounts Division.
Contacting the Circulation Department
Circulation Desk: 02-6584376
E-mail: jslcir@savion.huji.ac.il
Books with a loan period of three days or a week will be automatically extended, for the duration of the year from the date they were loaned. The loan will not be extended in the following cases:
- Another reader has ordered the book
- The reader’s card is no longer valid
- The reader has outstanding debts to the library
There is no automatic extension for laptops and electronic equipment.
The reader will be notified through their university e-mail of the due dates for items that can no longer be extended.
A book can be ordered only if all of its copies are on loan. Orders are made by the reader through the catalog. If there is a problem, please contact the circulation desk.
Once the ordered book is returned arrives, the person who made the order will be notified through their university e-mail and can pick up the book at the library.
Textbooks are held for the reader at the reference desk for three days, and research books are held for a week.
The library is authorized to cancel a reader’s order if necessary.
Readers are responsible for the books they have on loan, and must check their due dates in their reader’s card.
A reader holding books which they no longer need is required to return these to the library.
The library is authorized to demand the return of a book before its original due date if necessary.
A reader declaring the loss of an item, or who returns a damaged book, will pay the cost of that book as well as a 30 ILS processing fee. Alternatively, the reader can purchase an identical and undamaged copy instead of the one lost.
While the library is open, books are to be returned to the Harman Science Library circulation desk. When the library is closed, they should be dropped through the slot next to the library door.
A reader who returns a book after its due date will be required to pay a fine.
Fine calculation:
Books from the general collection: 10 ILS for every day of delay in the return of an ordered book, including Fridays and Saturdays, vacations, holidays, and other days for which the library is closed with prior notice.
Reserved books: 3 ILS for every hour of delay, or 30 ILS for every day of delay.
Books that were loaned by special authorization and returned late will be treated like ordered books.
The library authority can change the fines at any time.
In cases of repeated delays, delays which harm other readers, or when fines are not paid:
- The reader’s card will be blocked.
- The reader will not be given any service.
- In the administration of the relevant faculty, their personal information page will be blocked, and they will not be able to take exams.
Book Borrowing Privileges
Eligibility for a reader’s card |
Documents needed |
Borrowing privileges |
Hebrew University Students |
Up-to-date student card or ID card* |
Up to 50 books from the general collection, including up to 12 textbooks |
Hebrew University staff |
Employee card + university employment contract |
Hebrew University pensioners |
University pension card |
Hebrew University faculty/outside researchers |
Faculty card or official university authorization +ID card |
Hebrew University graduates |
University graduate’s card + letter of responsibility from employer + yearly payment** |
Up to 10 books from the general collection. Textbooks cannot be borrowed and electronic resources cannot be accessed. |
Faculty and graduate students from other universities in Israel |
A letter of responsibility from their institution's central library |
Outside readers willing to pay for the privilege |
Letter of responsibility from employer or institution of learning + yearly payment*** |
Course auditor |
Authorization to audit course + ID card |
Institute of Geology |
List of Institute employees |
University external courses – Machon Magid |
Letter of responsibility from Machon Magid or reader’s university department |
* Authorization to study should be attached if the student is not registered in the library
- Student card must have an up-to-date sticker issued by the Student Tuition Department
- The library Circulation Department should be notified if the student card is lost and a new card should be ordered from the student tuition department
** University graduate's card may be obtained in the Graduates' Office (tel.: 02-5882890). Subscription to the library costs 300 ILS a year, 150 ILS for half a year
*** Yearly payment varies according to the type of subscription:
- Private subscription – 650 ILS a year, 325 ILS for half a year
- Students from other colleges in Jerusalem – 480 ILS a year, 240 ILS for half a year
- Retired scientists – 300 ILS a year, 150 ILS for half a year + declaration of personal responsibility
Length of Loan
The length of loans is recorded in the catalog and can be found there. If questions arise, the library’s records are the determining factor.
Type of Item |
Length of Loan |
Text books* |
3 days |
Research books and series |
1 week |
Light reading |
1 week |
Dictionaries**, reference books, & encyclopedias |
Cannot be borrowed |
Laptop computers |
1 week |
Electronic chargers |
1 day, inside the library |
Screen adapters |
1 day, inside the library |
Earphones, computer mice, keyboards, electronic dictionaries**, erasable boards |
1 day, inside the library |
Journals |
Cannot be borrowed |
* Books marked in red cannot be borrowed.
** Dictionaries, both physical and electronic, can be loaned outside of the library only for exams.
Interlibrary Loan
The interlibrary loan service allows readers to order books and articles from other libraries within the Library Authority, as well as from other academic libraries in Israel and abroad.
Interlibrary loan orders can be ordered by means of an online form in the library’s catalog under the tag "interlibrary loans".
Before filling out an order please sign in to the library system with your Huji mail and password or temporary code.
Who can place an order?
Hebrew university faculty and students.
The service is free to students, researchers, academic and administrative faculty for research and teaching purposes.
Course auditors and paying outside readers are not included in the free service and must pay for the service.
Ordering books and articles which are available in the library is not free.
Copyright Limitations
Orders are subject to copyright laws. By law, it is forbidden to copy or print a significant portion of a work for which copyrights are in force without the consent of the copyright owner, unless the copies\scans\printings are done in fair use for purposes such as: self-teaching, research, critique, review, journalistic reporting, introduction, or teaching and examination done by an educational institution.
Any person who copies, prints, or scans in a manner contrary to these instructions is breaking the law.
Contact Us:
Telephone: 02-6584302
E-mail: jslill@savion.huji.ac.il
Cost of Interlibrary Loans (not included in the free service):
Ordering a book in Israel:
Ordering from another Hebrew University library – 10 ILS
Ordering from another Israeli university library – 16 ILS
Ordering from an Israeli college library – 25 ILS
Ordering a photocopy of an article from an Israeli university or from a Hebrew University library
Up to 50 pages – 20 ILS
Over 50 pages – 50 ILS
Ordering a photocopy of an article from overseas
25 ILS handling costs + the cost of the article (as set by the library from which the article was ordered).
Method of payment: by bank transfer. Details of our bank account can be obtained at jslcir@savion.huji.ac.il.
How to Order
Attention: the required book or journal may be in the library. Check the catalog before ordering.
Fill out the online order form in the library’s catalog under the tag "interlibrary loans".
Before filling out an order please sign in to the library system with your Huji mail and password or temporary code.
When the ordered item arrives, a message will be sent to the reader's email address.
Electronic copies of articles will be sent in a PDF file to the reader's email address.
- A reader who has ordered an item through the Interlibrary Loan system and does not come to pick it up will still be charged for it.
- A reader who does not return a requested book will be blocked from borrowing new books and extending already-borrowed books.
- A reader who has lost a book will be charged a fine determined by the loaning library. Until payment has been made, the reader will be blocked from borrowing new books and extending already-borrowed books.
Borrowing Laptops and Other Equipment
Laptop Computers – may be borrowed from the Circulation Desk for up to a week, by holders of a valid reader’s card.
Stationary Computers – can be found on the floor -1 and the Lubin Reading Hall of the library. They can be accessed whenever the library is open, by holders of valid reader’s cards. Access is granted through the user name and password registered in the university’s Active Directory.
Earphones – may be borrowed from the Circulation Desk for up to a day, by holders of a valid reader’s card, for use only within the library.
USB keyboard - may be borrowed from the Circulation Desk for up to a day, by holders of a valid reader’s card, for use only within the library.
USB Mouse - may be borrowed from the Circulation Desk for up to a day, by holders of a valid reader’s card, for use only within the library.
HDMI & VGA Adaptors – for connecting laptop computers to LCD screens. May be borrowed from the Circulation Desk for up to a day, by holders of a valid reader’s card, for use only within the library.
Cellular Phone Chargers - May be borrowed from the Circulation Desk for up to a day, by holders of a valid reader’s card.
Cellular Modems - intended for students leaving for army reserve duty. May be borrowed for the duration of the reserve duty by holders of valid student cards upon presentation of an army reserve call-up notice.
Calculators - scientific and financial calculators may be borrowed from the Circulation Desk for up to a day, by holders of valid reader’s cards, for use only within the library.
Electronic Dictionaries - may be borrowed from the Circulation Desk for up to one whole day by holders of valid reader’s cards, for use only within the library.
LCD Screens – are located in the group study rooms on floor 1, in the open space on floor 1, and in the group study rooms on floor -1. It is possible to connect laptops to these screens. Access is available to readers as long as the library is open.
Scanners – automatic feed scanners that allow direct emailing and saving to flash drives are located on floor 1 and -1. Scanners are available as long as the library is open.
Printers – duplex black and white printer is located on the 1st floor.
It costs 15 agorot to print one side and 13 agorot to print the other side.
Payment is by credit card.
Printing and Scanning
The library offers readers the use of printers and photocopy machines which require payment, and scanners free of charge.
There are black and white printer available to students on the 1st floor.
Color printing is available in the Shprinzak Building.
Payment is by credit card.
Regular printing: 15 agorot per page
Duplex printing: 15 agorot for the first side, 13 agorot for the second side
Color printing: 1 ILS per page (no duplex printing available)
Any single printing job is limited to a maximum cost of 25 ILS
Do not use direct charge cards!
Printing can be done from library computers directly or by using “mobile printing”.
Mobile Printing
Mobile printing allows documents to be sent by e-mail to all of the printers from any place and any platform: laptop, desk computer, tablet or smartphone.
The sender will be identified by e-mail address. Files should be sent to one of the e-mail addresses below. Files that are not printed within two hours are deleted from the printer's system.
E-mail Address |
Type of printing |
Black and white |
Black and white, duplex |
Color (printer in the Shprinzak Building) |
The library has automatic loading scanners which can be found on floors 1 and -1.
All the scanners are available to students whenever the library is open.
Computing and Networks
Network Services
Remote access to the electronic resources provided by the libraries (including databases, ejournals and e-books) is available to the University community.
OneHUJI - Access service to the library resources
Access electronic resources directly via the Library Website or the Library Catalog.
You will be prompted to login to HUJI - no need to run VPN!
Connecting via Wireless (Wi-Fi)
- HUJI guest – An open network for guests (does not allow access to databases).
- Eduroam – An international project that allows access to networks in any university by identifying yourself by your Hebrew University username and password.Connect to eduroam with [RA username]@huji.ac.il . DO NOT USE [username]%ra
- HUJI-Dorm – An open network that is available in some dorms.
Computer stations in the library require an active directory login.
Remote Access to the University Internet Servers:
Use your personal account and password to connect to the Remote Access VPN service, the eduroam secure wireless network and library resources that don't use OneHUJI.
Remote Access (RA) Registration
Register for a remote access (RA) account at http://rap.huji.ac.il.
Instructions for opening a Remote Access Account (RA) / The University Division for Computation, Communication, and Information ( = the Authority for Computation).
VPN (Virtual Private Network)
Rumba WebVPN service Additional information, including client installation / The University Division for Computation, Communication, and Information.
Support e-mail: vpn@savion.huji.ac.il
The older Samba service is no longer available.
MyPlace - Remote access to public computers:
Hebrew University students can connect remotely to software installed on computers located in the computer centers and access their personal drive.
Public computing requires an active directory login.
Technical support at the Division for Computation, Communication, and Information.
Lost and Found
Found items should be deposited at the Circulation Desk and afterwards with Emergency and Security Division which has overall responsibility for lost items on the Edmond J. Safra campus in Givat Ram.
The Emergency and Security Division is located next to the bus platform at the entrance to the campus.
The owner should turn to the Emergency and Security Division with a description of the lost item.
Emergency and Security Division phone number: 02-6585000
It is recommended that the owner also check the Facebook group “Lost and Found at the Givat Ram Campus of the Hebrew University”:
Disabled Access to the Library
The Harman Science Library is located in the middle of the Edmond J. Safra Campus in Givat Ram.
It is accessible by wheelchair from the main gate of the campus or by way of Levy building.
The main entrance to Harman Library is wheelchair accessible.
All areas of the library are accessible to the mobility challenged.
The height of the Circulation and Reference Desk is convenient for wheelchair users.
The elevator reaches all the reading rooms, except floor -2.
Restrooms for the Disabled
On every floor there are restrooms accessible to the disabled.
Accessibility Aids
- An accessible work station with an adaptable table that can be height-adjusted. The station is located in the computer classroom in -1 floor.
- Closed Circuit TV for screen enlargement.