Bloomfield Library for the Humanities and Social Sciences
The Bloomfield Library extends a warm welcome to all its readers.
The Reference Department provides all library users with individual and group instruction on the use of the library and its reference services including: familiarity with the library's reading rooms, use of the library catalog, the library’s electronic resources and bibliographic management programs.
Dedicated terminals for catalog searching only are scattered throughout the library and are open to the general public.
Access to the library’s electronic resources is limited to Hebrew University students, teaching faculty and administrative staff by logging in using a username and password:
From public computers – with an AD account
Personal computers and devices – with university identification (University email address and password) or through Rumba service for remote access.
All floors of the library are connected to the open Wi-Fi network "HUJI- guest" and to the university Eduroam network.
Contact us:
Telephone: 02-5881587
The reference desk, located on the entrance level of the library (3rd floor), is staffed between 8:30-18:30.
Tutorials on Library Resources
Any questions or requests should be directed to the Reference Department staff.
During the first few weeks of every academic year, the library offers tutorials on getting acquainted with the library and its resources. Updates are available on the library's website and at the reference desk located on the entrance floor.
Bachelor degree students are required to sign up for the course, "Library Resources" (Course No. 74122) on "Moodle".
Reference Books
Reference books such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, lexicons, etc. are arranged at the entrance to every floor according to the relevant area of study. Reference books may not be borrowed.
There are various styles in use for citing bibliographic sources. It is recommended to consult with your lecturer on the preferred style.
The primary citation styles used in the Humanities and Social Sciences are:
- APA – American Psychological Association
- MLA – Modern Language Association
- Chicago Manual of Style
Borrowing Books Marked “Not for Loan” and Leaving Books on Tables
Requests to borrow books that have the status “not for loan” should be referred to the librarians at the reference desk located on the entrance floor. For long term loans of such books, please consult the subject specialist librarian.
The library staff is responsible for collecting all the books left on the tables and for reshelving them.
Shelves for books that are in use
For the readers' benefit, there are shelves for books that are still in use, located next to the information desks on the second, fourth and fifth floors. Patrons are asked to leave their piles of books on these shelves, together with a form which includes their personal details and the date that the books have been left. The books will be kept for a week. There-after they will be reshelved.
It is possible to rent a carrel from the library secretary's office for storing personal items.
Bibliographic Management Softwares
The softwares help organize bibliographic sources necessary for writing reports and articles. Hebrew University users enjoy access to Sciwheel software.
Patrons can also use, without payment, other bibliographic management softwares such as Zotero.
Harman Science Library
The reference department in the library offers individual or group instruction to all of its patrons. Instruction can include: orientation in the reading rooms, use of the catalog, how to use library resources and reference management software. The library welcomes all its patrons.
Special station is open to the general public and do not require a username and password. This station is located on the entrance floor and can be used for the purposes of searching the catalog and reserving rooms.
All floors of the library have enhanced network connectivity to the campus-wide Wi-Fi, "Huji Guest".
Access to the library’s digital services is limited to Hebrew University students and faculty. These services can be accessed directly using the computers available in the library or by connecting a personal computer to the university’s server (“remote access”). Both methods require identification via username and password.
Any questions or requests should be directed to the staff of the Reference Department.
Contact us:
Telephone: 02-6584376
Preparing Bibliographies
Different systems are in use for citing bibliographic sources. It is recommended to consult with course instructors on the system they prefer.
Reference Management Software
This software assists in the organization of bibliographic sources required to write papers. The Sciwheel (formerly F1000) and EndNote Web software are accessible to all Hebrew University users from university computers and through the “remote access” service.
It is also possible to use other reference management software systems which are offered to the general public free of charge, such as Zotero or Mendeley.
Learning About Library Resources
Students studying for their Bachelor’s Degree are required to sign up for the "Library Resources" course. The course is then accessed through the "Moodle" learning site.
Muriel & Philip Berman Medical Library
The medical library welcomes all visitors. The library floors are connected to an open wireless network "HUJI-guest".
Guidance and reference services are provided free of charge only to the Hebrew University and Hadassah communities.
Databases and Resources
- Access to online library resources is limited to students and staff of the Hebrew University and medical staff from Hadassah only.
- Using library resources through personal computers requires connecting to "Remote Access" and identifying with a username and password.
- Medical staff from Hadassah Hospital are entitled to receive a daily username and password to use library computers on floors 1 and 2.
The library training department is responsible for providing individual and group trainings for all library visitors. Trainings include: orientation in reading halls, using the catalog, databases, and citation management software. The training team is located on the entrance floor and available for personal consultation. Group training on library resource usage is provided by prior coordination. To book a training, please coordinate:
Bibliography Writing and Citation Management Software
Citation management software helps organize references when writing papers and articles. Hebrew University users enjoy access to EndNote Web. (Log-in using either university computers or through "Remote Access" service.) Readers can also use other free citation-management tools such as Mendeley or Zotero.
Contact us
Phone: 02-6758791
Law Library
Access to the digital services of the library is limited to Hebrew University students and academic staff. When using personal computer, one must identify him/herself with a user name and a password. All floors of the library are connected to and open Wi-Fi network known as “Huji Guest”.
The reference staff offers individual and group trainings to the students and academic staff. The schedule of these would be published on the website and on other communication channels with the library. In addition, the law faculty academic staff is welcome to schedule thematic database and material trainings according to their needs.
The reference desk is active daily (Sun.-Thur.) from 11:00-16:00. In case of any change, notification would be sent via the various communication channels with the library.
Introducing the library training
In cooperation with the Student Union, the library offers introduction sessions for first year students getting acquainted with library sources, the library catalogue and knowing the library usage rules. Any questions or requests should be directed to the reference staff.
Reference help to first year students in Legal Writing and Research course
During submission of the headlines and the final paper in this course, the library holds special in advance individual meetings to all student who desire help in finding reference material for their papers.
Bibliographicy citation methods
Different systems are in use for quoting bibliographic sources. It is recommended to consulting with course instructors regarding the system they prefer.
Within the Hebrew University Law Faculty, the main citation systems relied on in legal writing is the “uniform quotation system” for Hebrew source materials (in Hebrew also known as the “purple book”) and the BLUEBOOK system used for quoting foreign sources. The library has guidebooks on these two citation systems. Print copies of the BLUEBOOK are available at the library circulation desk and some of them may be borrowed overnight or for the weekend. On the upper level in the library, there is one computer station with the online version of the Bluebook. Please turn to the circulation desk to get the access information.
The popular citation style in criminology is according to APA.
Reference management programs
There are various reference management programs that assist the students to manage their bibliographic references much easier and more effective. The Hebrew University offers free access to Sciwheel (formerly F1000) and to EndNoteWeb. One can also use free programs such as Mendeley or Zotero.
Contact information of the reference librarian, Mrs. Judith Schlissel:
Phone number: 02-5882586
You can also contact the library staff by:
Whatsapp: 054-8820158 (Sunday-Thursday, 09:00-15:00)
Education and Social Work Library
The Library Guidance Department is responsible for providing library patrons with individual and group guidance on the use of the library and its reference services. Instruction includes: finding their way in the library, using the library catalog, using the library’s electronic resources and bibliographic computer programs.
The Library extends a warm welcome to all who enter.
Any questions or requests should be directed to the Reference Staff.
The Reference Desk is located on the 4th floor.
The Reference Desk provides service from 10:00 to 18:00, Sunday - Wednesday, 10:00 - 15:00, Thursday.
Contact us:
Telephone: 02-5882068
Dedicated terminals open to the general public without the use of a username and password are available throughout the library for the purpose of searching the catalog. However, they cannot access the internet.
All floors of the library are connected to an open Wi-Fi network known as "Huji Guest".
Access to the digital services of the library is limited to Hebrew University students and faculty, who must identify themselves with a user name and password.
Guidance on Searching Library Resources
During the first two weeks of the academic year the library offers daily courses on getting acquainted with library resources. Look for updates on the library’s home page or at the Circulation Desk on the entrance level of the library.
Bachelor’s Degree students are required to sign up for a course, "Library Resources" (course no. 74122). Access to the course is by way of "Moodle".
Preparing Bibliographies
Different systems are in use for quoting bibliographic sources. It is recommended to consult course instructors on the system they prefer.
The main systems for quoting sources used in the Humanities and Social Sciences are:
- APA – American Psychological Association
- MLA – Modern Language Association
- Chicago Manual of Style
Bibliographic Computer Programs
The programs assist students and faculty to organize bibliographic sources necessary for writing reports and articles. Patrons of the Hebrew University Library enjoy access to the Sciwheel (formerly F1000) and EndNote Web programs through all university computers and by "remote access" from other computers.
Patrons can also use, without payment, other bibliographic programs such as Mendeley or Zotero.
Library of Agriculture, Food and Environment
Reference services
The library's reference department is responsible for providing individual and group instruction to all library readers. The training includes library orientation, catalog, library resources and bibliographic management software.
Two computers for catalog searching without username and password are set opposite the circulation desk.
The library is connected to the "HUJI-guest" wireless network.
Access to online library resources is limited to students and staff of the Hebrew University.
The use of library resources via personal computers requires remote access and user name and password identification.
Instruction in library resources
Undergraduate students receive two training sessions to familiarize themselves with the library and its resources.
The first year students have compulsory training sessions starting the second week of the academic year. Details about the training sessions are given on the first year orientation day.
Second year students will participate in an online course "Library resources".
Graduate students participate in training sessions during their department seminar or by coordination with the department secretary.
Click here for Tutorials on various topics: Library Catalog, Databases, Impact Factor and more
Bibliographic list
There are various methods for citing bibliographic sources. Please consult the lecturer on the required citation style. Detailed guide to citation writing.
Individual or group training can be scheduled. assistance in finding a book or an article is available too. Please contact the library reference librarian
Hemdat Wolf 08-9489934
Reut Glick 08-9489907
Mathematics and Computer Science Library
The library staff provides library patrons with individual guidance on the use of the library and its reference services.
Instruction includes: finding their way in the library, using the library catalog, using the library’s electronic resources and bibliographic computer programs.
The Library extends a warm welcome to all who enter.
Contact us:
Telephone: 02-6584379
Tutorials on Library Resources
Dedicated terminals to searching the catalog are open to the general public without the use of a username and password. However, they cannot access the internet or digital services.
Access to the digital services of the library is limited to Hebrew University students and faculty.
- Computer stations require an active directory login.
- Moblie devices require an RA account.
The library is connected to an open Wi-Fi network known as "HUJI Guest" and to Eduroam.
For more information, see: Computing and networks.
The reference staff is available for questions or requests.
Library Resources - Online course
Bachelor’s degree students are required to sign up for the “Information and Library Resources” online course of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science (Mathematics – Course No. 76411, Computer Science – Course No. 76416.) Graduation from the University is conditional on participating in the course and passing it.
Preparing Bibliographies
Different systems are in use for quoting bibliographic sources. You should consult the course instructors on the system they prefer.
The main systems for quoting sources used in the Mathematics and Computer Science are detailed at:
Other systems:
- APA – American Psychological Association
- MLA – Modern Language Association
- Chicago Manual of Style
Bibliographic Computer Programs
The programs assist students and faculty to organize bibliographic sources necessary for writing reports and articles. Patrons of the Hebrew University Library enjoy access to the Sciwheel (formerly F1000) and EndNote Web programs through all university computers and by "remote access" from other computers.
Patrons can also use, without payment, other bibliographic programs such as Mendeley or Zotero.
Archaeology Library
The library extends a warm welcome to all who enter.
Access to the digital services of the library is limited to Hebrew University students and faculty.
The library is connected to an open Wi-Fi network known as "Huji Guest".
The use of library electronic resources by way of personal computers requires connecting to the university server ("distant access"), and identifying oneself with a user name and password.
Any questions or requests should be directed to the Library Staff.
Contact us:
Telephone: 02-5882415
Bibliographic Computer Programs
The programs assist students and faculty to organize bibliographic sources necessary for writing reports and articles. Patrons of the Hebrew University Library enjoy access to the F1000 and EndNote Web programs through all university computers and by "distant access" from other computers.
Patrons can also use, without payment, other bibliographic programs such as Mendeley or Zotero.
Preparing Bibliographies
Different systems are in use for quoting bibliographic sources. It is recommended to consult course instructors on the system they prefer.
The main systems for quoting sources used in the Humanities and Social Sciences are:
- APA – American Psychological Association
- MLA – Modern Language Association
- Chicago Manual of Style